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Straightness Training

Offering distant or live coaching sessions to help you and your horse.  Book your free introductory session today.

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So much more to being connected to your horse than by the reins 

What is Straightness Training?

By nature every horse is asymmetrical.  Just like humans they are either left or right handed.  ST consists of a series of exercises both on the ground and in riding in which the horse learns to develop more symmetrically through stretching, contracting and relaxing their muscles.  Initially we work at achieving equal weight over all 4 legs than gradually we shift the center of mass of the horse towards their hind legs.  This allows the horse to be more supple, strong and balanced in order to carry a rider.  It allows for a long, healthy life for your partner(s).

Stay Connected!

So much more to being connected to your horse than by the reins 

What is Straightness Training?

By nature every horse is asymmetrical.  Just like humans they are either left or right handed.  ST consists of a series of exercises both on the ground and in riding in which the horse learns to develop more symmetrically through stretching, contracting and relaxing their muscles.  Initially we work at achieving equal weight over all 4 legs than gradually we shift the center of mass of the horse towards their hind legs.  This allows the horse to be more supple, strong and balanced in order to carry a rider.  It allows for a long, healthy life for your partner(s).

"Without theory, the practical application always remains uncertain." -Francois Robichon de la Gueriniere

As riders we tend to set goals or expect our partners to do certain disciplines but do not understand why they seem to resist or show unpleasant behaviors.  In most cases it is caused by their Natural Asymmetry and when a rider’s weight is added, these natural asymmetries are more apparent. 


Following Straightness Training, Roman no longer falls in while lunging

With the help of Straightness Training, Saphira has better balance and self carriage and no longer falls on her forehand

Schedule A FREE Introductory Consultation

To be successful in addressing the negative effects of your horses’ natural asymmetry, schedule a free consultation!

Roman's Story

When I first started with my young horse Roman, she barely could bend left and going to the right, she was so bent that it was difficult for her to go straight. After the time spent with her doing straightness training, she almost bends better left and has pretty close muscle development on both sides. She is supple, more balanced and getting stronger and stronger each day. She is improving on shifting her center of mass back vs falling onto her forehand to find her balance. 

Every day, I seem to learn more and am able to apply fine tuning to continue developing my horses in a healthy way and in their time. Sometimes it takes a week, sometimes it takes a year but there is always improvement. Just like a human diet or exercise program for body, mind and soul, so it goes with the horse – it is a lifestyle, a daily practice to be the best we can be.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) How do I get started with ST? 
Initially you will begin with the theory behind ST and how the progressive exercises help develop your horse based on their Natural Asymmetry.
2) What equipment do I need?
In most cases you have almost everything you need to do ST; Reins, dressage or driving whip, lunge line, cavesson and eventually a curb bit.  The cavesson used in ST is a leather head piece with a covered chain over the horse’s nasal bridge. The bridge connects directly to the neck, then through the vertebrae over the back to the tail. This makes the cavesson very effective to bend the neck of the horse and an effective tool to obtain correct bending throughout the horse’s body.
3) What can I expect from doing ST? 
In ST we always start with “Why”.  Knowing our reasons before actions typically results in the outcome we are searching for.  Knowing the NA of your horse and keeping the bigger picture always in mind, we begin with the exercises best suited to gradually develop your horse to overcome the majority of their NA weaknesses, advance them into a more balanced and correctly muscle developed horse in order to maintain a long and healthy life. 

Feel free to contact me for more information or schedule a free introductory lesson to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) How do I get started with ST? 
Initially you will begin with the theory behind ST and how the progressive exercises help develop your horse based on their Natural Asymmetry.
2) What equipment do I need?
In most cases you have almost everything you need to do ST; Reins, dressage or driving whip, lunge line, cavesson and eventually a curb bit.  The cavesson used in ST is a leather head piece with a covered chain over the horse’s nasal bridge. The bridge connects directly to the neck, then through the vertebrae over the back to the tail. This makes the cavesson very effective to bend the neck of the horse and an effective tool to obtain correct bending throughout the horse’s body.
3) What can I expect from doing ST? 
In ST we always start with “Why”.  Knowing our reasons before actions typically results in the outcome we are searching for.  Knowing the NA of your horse and keeping the bigger picture always in mind, we begin with the exercises best suited to gradually develop your horse to overcome the majority of their NA weaknesses, advance them into a more balanced and correctly muscle developed horse in order to maintain a long and healthy life. 

Feel free to contact me for more information or schedule an introductory lesson to learn more.

Do You Struggle with Your Horse?

Natural asymmetry is typically the main reason why this is happening. Download the FREE assessment template to help identify your horse’s natural asymmetry.

Schedule Sessions

Free Introductory Session

Schedule an introductory session to assess your horse's needs and begin their journey towards straightness. Each session includes an hour of one-on-one time with Gina, you and your horse.

ST Bundles | Inquire for Pricing

Do you anticipate your horse needing recurring sessions? Inquire with Gina to discuss additional ST sessions or packages. Each session includes an hour of one-on-one time with Gina, you and your horse.


Phone:  (713) 992-7858

Address:  3156 Epona Ln, Aiken, SC 29801

© G-Horse Farm, 2024

G-Horse Farm